BreezeBrowser Pro 1.0
Di mauro (del 11/12/2004 @ 10:43:16, in Software, linkato 1634 volte)
Dal 6 Dicembre e' disponibile la versione PRO 1.0 di breezebrowser un software molto apprezzato, per funzioni, qualita' e rapidita'. E' in grado ad esempio, gia' la varsione base di evidenziare i punti di messa a fuoco della propria reflex digitale.
Why Use BreezeBrowser Pro?
BreezeBrowser Pro helps the professional photographer to:
* Convert, resize, sharpen and level raw images from Canon, Nikon, Pentax, Minolta and Olympus cameras
* Select images for presentation
* Generate attractive, captioned web pages with watermarking and online ordering (optional)
* Produce contact sheets and proofs (print straight to your printer or print to file)
* Batch rename images and managing folders
* Caption and edit comments and IPTC data
BreezeBrowser Pro also enables photographers to:
* Compare up to four high resolution images side by side
* Rotate JPEG’s with no loss of quality
* Display images and shooting data from most major formats and makes of camera(including RAW, JPEG, TIFF)
* Display sharp preview images using the unique ‘HQ mode’
* Present slideshows on laptop or pc
* Adjust date and time for batches or single images