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I primi avvenimenti annunciati per la prossima Giornata Mondiale di Fotografia Stenopeica
Di mauro (del 12/01/2006 @ 03:48:54, in Incontri, linkato 1271 volte)
Sul sito ufficiale della giornata mondiale di fotografia stenopeica (che si terra' quest'anno il 30 aprile) cominciano a comparire i primi eventi anche italiani ed ecco quindi:

Beppe Bolchi
"Cities without Time"
Click Art's Cultural Association
Villa Pomini
Via Don Luigi Testori, 14
Castellanza, VA, Italy
DATES: Sunday, April 09, 2006 - Sunday, April 30, 2006
RECEPTION: Sunday, April 30, 2006 at 03:00 AM

Hours of operation: Tue-Fri 5/7 pm - Sat-Sun 3/7 pm
Contact: Beppe Bolchi
Telephone: +39 348 7267965
Web Site: http://www.farefotografie.it
A selection of the latest pin-hole work by Beppe Bolchi, a sort of photo-biography, back to the relevant places of his life, including Milan, Arles, Paris, Koln, Hannover, Venice, London, Scotland and many others, printed onto fine watercolour paper.

Beppe Bolchi
"Take your Piece of the World"
Istituto Italiano di Fotografia
Via Bugatti, 3
Milan, MI, Italy
DATES: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - Sunday, April 30, 2006

Contact: Beppe Bolchi
Web Site: http://www.istitutoitalianodifotografia.it
Students will be introduced to Pinhole Photography as the only way to capture landscapes, architecture and even people in a natural manner. No lenses, just the light drawing the subjects by itself.

Se date una occhiata, al momento l'unico tutorial italiano segnalato e' quello di PhotoBIT.
: - )